

06 October–03 December 2023

KANAL - Centre Pompidou, K1, Brussels, Belguim | Website

Featuring immersive installations by artists from around the world, Connecting addresses new forms of more-than-human affect, exploring how technology can expand the concept of interdependence and create new relationships between humans and non-humans. The exhibition also draws parallels between contemporary digital experiences and traditional and animistic belief systems. Finally, it addresses spirituality present in the methods used to construct virtual worlds, all the while highlighting the way in which our interactions with technology are firmly rooted in personal histories, beliefs, and values.

With works by Korakrit Arunanondchai & Alex Gvojic, Zach Blas, Ian Cheng, Keiken, Eva L’Hoest, Tabita Rezaire and Natasha Tontey

Curated by Bas Hendrikx and Barbara Cueto