The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK | Website
From mainstream films to low brow independent media, software, hardware and wetware all feature as new domains for dreaming, fearing and zoning out. In a wide ranging conversation, queer theorist Jack Halberstam and queer media artist Zach Blas cover the basics and the not so basics of queer technology. Not satisfied with an “add LGBT characters and stir” approach to gaming, dating or vidding, Halberstam and Blas think about queer algorithms, queer code, failure, violence, networks, new media activism and artwork. Whether in conversation about Spike Jonz’s Her, Wes Anderson’s new/old cinematic aesthetics, or batting around the ideas of Galloway, Deleuze, Octavia Butler or Walter Benjamin, Blas and Halberstam promise to engage, outrage, inform and entertain.