Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia | Website
“Making Another World Possible Conversations Series” presents engaging discussions on topics concerning the Estonian context and the global cultural art scene. The Conversation Series is programmed as a preamble to the book Making Another World Possible : 10 Creative Time Summits, 10 Global Issues, 100 Art Projects (Routledge, 2019) edited by Corina L. Apostol and Nato Thompson and produced by Creative Time, a landmark publication which takes stock of socially engaged cultural practices dealing with the urgency of contemporary social movements.
Queer and Now
How is digital connectivity fostering and evolving the representation of the gender-fluid constituencies online, including the queer and trans community’s range of creative, social, and political self-expression? In this conversation, we also turn to queer and feminist art practices as aesthetic interventions that powerfully impact the practices, discourses, and futures of science and technology, pedagogies, and economics.