MIX NYC 25, Brooklyn, USA

The Coming Disturbance is a film / video curatorial project by Zach Blas and micha cárdenas, conceived for MIX NYC 25, the New York Queer Experimental Film Festival.
From The Coming Insurrection to The Coming Community, it is clear that something, or someone, is coming. As neoliberal capitalism continues to collapse, new movements spring up daily, from the plazas of Madrid, Mexico, Wall Street, and Quebec, to reject austerity capitalism and its attempts to shut down both hope and dissent. These coming forms of resistance against emerging mutations of capital will be speculative, nanobiotechnological, and digitally global–unrecognizable as they exceed our current understanding of the political and the economic. These will be bodies of all kinds which have been considered monstrous and now emerge as erotic and empowered. While some theorists have declared the death of Queer Theory, we see hope in the claims of an emerging Queer 2.0, even while we reject that binary formation. Ours is a Queer X.X, where the X.X can refer to an abstract number, any number–or, it can refer to the post-porn movement, to the chromosomes of engineered creatures and organs, to the longitude and latitude of queer lives outside grids of western epistemologies, to the multiplicitous disturbances queer brings globally. The artists curated in this program reimagine resistance in forms which cause disturbance, by unnerving, decentering, and unraveling power rather than acknowledging its solidity by trying to destroy it. These artists respond to the rigidity of contemporary life with gooey, embodied, networked, and highly technical means of imagining other possibilities for life.
Artists include Elle Mehrmand, Zach Blas, Jaime del Val, Pinar Yoldas, Rocio Boliver / La Congelada de Uva, Tagny Duff, *particle group*, Shu Lea Cheang, Giuseppe Campuzano, micha cárdenas, and Jordan Crandall.