Melbourne Queer Film Festival, Melbourne, Australia | Website
From sensual fat bodies, challenges to heterosexuality, femme musings on the nature of surfaces, queer & trans* people of colour communities of resistance, wry queerings of public space, and fagalicious interventions into the surveillance machine – join us in embracing the potential in failing cinematic conventions with work by net-artists, activists, performance artists, and creative researchers.
Surface Glaze Dir: Lotte Meret Effinger, 2015, Germany, 8 mins
Chimera Dir: Laura Mitchell & Coral Short, 2016, Canada, 5 mins
Wired4Sound Dir: Atong Atem, 2012, Australia, 5 mins
Non-Stop Beautiful Ladies Dir: Alee Peoples, 2015, USA, 9 mins
Same Sex Biz Dir: Tabita Rezaire, 2014 Mozambique, 6 mins
Facial Weaponization Communiqué: Fag Face Dir: Zach Blas, 2013, USA, 8 mins
Spermahoran Dir: Anna Linder, 2015, Sweden, 12 mins
Lucid Noon, Sunset Blush Dir: Alli Logout, 2015, USA, 32 mins