ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany | Website

A city in keeping with the times is subject to constant – if invisible – change as thousands of data streams are created, captured, and distributed every day. The rise of the »smart city« phenomenon raises important questions: What kind of future city do we want and what is our position within it? How can we influence the urban landscape through new digital technologies, data streams, and information? What happens to all the data collected in our smart cities by sensors and smart technologies?
Within the framework of »Seasons of Media Arts«, media art installations distributed throughout the entire urban area will be presented decentrally in the urban space, which address the issue of public access to data and thematize the development of the »smart city«. The works present an idea of a city in which technology is not used to collect data about residents, but enables citizen participation and transparency in political decision-making processes. The virtual urban space that is created in the sense defined by »Seasons of Media Arts«, which is characterized by interaction and knowledge transfer, contributes to the establishment of a »digitally connected city« in which the digital self-determination of the inhabitants is in the foreground.