The Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia | Website

On Saturday, 21 February, the IMA will host a series of lectures and artist’s presentations, Factory/studio/tumblr*, that respond to Hito Steyerl’s exhibition Too Much World.
In close conversation with Steyerl, we have invited Berlin–based scholar Karen Archey to further develop her essay, “Hyper-Elasticity, Symptoms, Signs, Treatment: On Hito Steyerl’s Liquidity Inc.”, Archey will expand her consideration of this recent video installation within Steyerl’s practice more broadly and within feminist discourse more specifically. Following-on from this academic approach to Steyerl’s work, the conversation will expand outward to consider the theoretical and artistic developments of two emerging artists in whom Steyerl has recognised a shared sense of urgency in the articulation of circulation, visibility, and power politics.
New York–based artist Zach Blas will give a talk on the notion of contra–internet and put this theory into context by sharing details of some of his recent participatory anti-surveillance artworks. Singaporean artist and writer Ho Rui An will deliver his lecture-performance Sun, Sweat, Solar Queens: An Expedition, which recently premiered at the Kochi-Muziris Biennnale this year.
Curator and writer Danni Zuvela will serve as the official respondent for the day, weaving together threads and developing on her own writings on Steyerl’s practice.
*Event title taken from Hito Steyerls e-flux journal essay, “Too Much World: Is the Internet Dead?“ (no 492013).