Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK | Website

RISKING EVERYTHING: The Computational Politics of Prediction, Security, and Secrecy
A one day workshop organised by Luciana Parisi & Susan Schuppli
Friday May 20, 10.00am – 6.00pm
Professor Stuart Hall Building, LG02
This one-day workshop aims to discuss the possibilities of thinking the political with and through machines. Whilst debates about the political implications of computation have focused on the data-driven governance of risk, less has been said about how to use the logic of prediction of machines, and how to re-invent a cybernetic politics outside the model of the network. Since the paradoxical strategies of visibility and secrecy, inclusion and exclusion seem weakened by an ever invasive and rampant state of control, this workshop aims to ask questions about how to counter-act these strategies.
Participants: Ramon Amoro, Louise Amoore, Zach Blas, Boaz Levin, Antonia Majaca, Oana Parvan, Pietro Pezzani & Emily Rosamond.