Women Artists Series Galleries, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA

The Mary H. Dana Women Artist series presents Trans Technology, a group exhibition that challenges entrenched conceptions of gender and technology. The exhibit will open on January 22, 2013 at the Mabel Smith Douglass Library and is guest curated by Bryce J. Renninger and Christina Dunbar-Hester of Rutgers University. Artists featured in the exhibit include: Shana Agid, Stephanie Alarcón, Zach Blas, Micha Cárdenas, Heather Cassils, Zackary Drucker, Georgia Guthrie, Jacolby Satterwhite, and Sandy Stone; including two artist/activist groups – Genderchangers and the Barbie Liberation Organization (BLO).
Trans Technology focuses on technological art and artifacts that engage in trans, queer and feminist projects that help to trans (to use the word as a verb: spanning; interrogating; crossing; fusing) conceptions of the heterosexual matrix in technology. Furthermore, the exhibit addresses trans, queer and feminist studies and perspectives on technology, but in particular on the ways that transgender studies has approached (as Susan Stryker identifies it in the introduction to the Transgender Studies Reader) the recent “sea change in the academic study of gender, sex, sexuality, identity, desire, and embodiment.” Without focusing on artists of any particular gender identity, the objects in the exhibit are challenges to the heterosexual matrix and propose new gendered circuits of culture, self, and belonging.
A symposium with the same title as the exhibit featuring a ‘hacking’ demonstration, panel discussions and performances with artists, technologists and local academics will take place at the Alexander and Douglass Libraries on the Rutgers-New Brunswick campus on Tuesday, March 5, 2013.
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